Rainbow Massage Therapy

Muscles related to Arm Pain


The following Muscles are related to Arm Pain
     Forearm Extenders

Please not that at times your pain could be a referral pain from the Upper Back and Shoulders so it is important to find out exactly where the issues have started from.

[Shoulder] [Frozen Shoulder] [Lower Back] [Sciatic]
[Legs] [Groin Pull] [Upper Back] [Headache] [Hernia]
[TMJ] [Carpal Tunnel] [Neck] [Tennis Elbow]


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by pressure on your median nerve.  This nerve gives you feeling in your thumb and all your fingers except your pinky. When it goes through your wrist, it passes through the carpal tunnel, a narrow path that is made of Bone and Ligament. If you get any swelling in your wrist, this tunnel gets squeezed and pinches your median nerve, which causes your symptoms.

It is important to understand that just because you get numbness in your fingers, it does not always mean you have Carpal Tunnel, there are lots of things that should be checked before you decide that Surgery is the only choice, that should always be the last and final choice for anyone.

Here are somethings that should be checked

before surgery.

Pectoralis Minor is a small muscle but does cause numbness.
Neck Muscles can cut off  circulation to the arm and cause numbness.
Rhomboids can also cause restrictions in the flow of blood to the arm causing numbness.
Tennis Elbow can cause blood flow loss causing numbness.
Forearm Extenders that are super tight can cause numbness.
Shoulders including Deltoids can cause blood flow loss and numbness as well.

As you can see there are a few things that should be checked before choosing that it is just Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Loss of blood flow or pinched nerves will mimic the same symptoms and feeling as Carpal Tunnel.  These are all things that can be repaired with Massage which will save you from recovery from Surgery, get you back to work sooner and save you money in the long run.  This is not covered by insurance, but if you retain a prescription then your insurance may reimburse your out of pocket expense if not, then it can be written off on your taxes at the end of the year on Schedule A under Medical Expenses.

If you do choose to go through Surgery first and it does not take care of your symptoms then your doctor will start to look at the same things that I mentioned above.  One thing to remember about some Surgeons they are more interested in getting paid for the Surgery then actually helping you out in the long run, they only get paid to Cut not Fix.

[Shoulder] [Frozen Shoulder] [Lower Back] [Sciatic] [Legs] [Groin Pull]
[Upper Back] [Headache] [Hernia] [TMJ] [Neck] [Arms] [Tennis Elbow]

Tennis Elbow


Tennis Elbow also known as Golfers Elbow are primarily Tendinitis of the Elbow, this is caused by repetition of movement with the arms, this can be caused by sports or even using a computer over time as well as with Plumbers and Contractors.  This condition will cause pain in the Elbow but also will radiate the pain down through your Forearm, Wrist and down into your hand mimicking Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Massage can help to alleviate these symptoms and get normal range of motion back over time, this will take a few sessions, this is not a one time fix.

[Shoulder] [Frozen Shoulder] [Lower Back] [Sciatic] [Legs] [Groin Pull]
[Upper Back] [Headache] [Hernia] [TMJ] [Carpal Tunnel] [Arms] [Neck]
